[Taijaun] Instagram Hacks University 2.0 💖 |
| 08-Bonus | 01-Creating an Optimized Instagram Page |-- 01-The_Qualities_of_A_Money_Printing_Page.mp4 - 23.78 MB |
| 08-Bonus | 01-Creating an Optimized Instagram Page |-- 02-Crafting_a_Bio_That_Speaks_For_You.mp4 - 27.78 MB |
| 08-Bonus | 01-Creating an Optimized Instagram Page |-- 03-50-50_Rule.mp4 - 15.75 MB |
| 08-Bonus | 01-Creating an Optimized Instagram Page |-- 04-Creating_a_Content_Plan.mp4 - 38.79 MB |
| 08-Bonus | 01-Creating an Optimized Instagram Page |-- 05-Link_Control_40_1_Link_vs._Multiple_Links.mp4 - 17.2 MB |
| 08-Bonus | 02-Discovering Your $100k Product |-- 01-4_Roads__2_Lanes_1_Direction_40_Which_Path_Will_You_Go_Down.mp4 - 60.46 MB |
| 08-Bonus | 02-Discovering Your $100k Product |-- 02-What_Makes_This_Different._40_What__x27_s_Your_USP_41.mp4 - 28.98 MB |
| 08-Bonus | 02-Discovering Your $100k Product |-- 03-Value_Stacking_40_Making_Your_Offer_IRRESISTABLE_41.mp4 - 22.36 MB |
| 08-Bonus | 03-Vetting Your Product Idea |-- 01-Ways_To_Vette_Your_NEW_Product_Idea.mp4 - 27.54 MB |
| 08-Bonus | 03-Vetting Your Product Idea |-- 02-Drive_Thru_Test___40_Low_Quality_Test__41_.mp4 - 32.65 MB |
| 08-Bonus | 03-Vetting Your Product Idea |-- 03-Paid_Test___40_High_Quality_Test__41_.mp4 - 26.24 MB |
| 08-Bonus | 03-Vetting Your Product Idea |-- 04-Getting_The_Pre-Order_Page_Cover_Created_40.mp4 - 117.31 MB |
| 08-Bonus | 04-Creating The Perfect Post |-- 01-The_Basics_40_What_Causes_A_Post_to_Go_Viral_41.mp4 - 31.67 MB |
| 08-Bonus | 04-Creating The Perfect Post |-- 02-The_BEST_Kind_of_Content_to_Post_Right_Now.mp4 - 42.93 MB |
| 08-Bonus | 04-Creating The Perfect Post |-- 03-Creating_Captions_That_Generate.mp4 - 64.72 MB |
| 08-Bonus | 04-Creating The Perfect Post |-- 04-Posting_On_Your_Page_vs._Posting_On_Their_Page.mp4 - 38.88 MB |
| 08-Bonus | 05-Utilizing OPA & Instagram Theme Page |-- 01-Understand_What_OPA_Is_Why_It__x27_s_Important.mp4 - 28.71 MB |
| 08-Bonus | 05-Utilizing OPA & Instagram Theme Page |-- 02-How_to_Find_High-Quality_Theme_Pages_to_Use.mp4 - 72.35 MB |
| 08-Bonus | 05-Utilizing OPA & Instagram Theme Page |-- 03-Getting_Your_First_Post_Launched_in_24_Hours.mp4 - 33.94 MB |
| 08-Bonus | 05-Utilizing OPA & Instagram Theme Page |-- 05-Preparing_Your_Instagram_For_Traffic.mp4 - 45.99 MB |
| 08-Bonus | 05-Utilizing OPA & Instagram Theme Page |-- 06-Measuring_Your_Results_40_Tracker_INCLUDED__41.mp4 - 57.73 MB |
| 08-Bonus | 06-Dos & Donts of Instagram This May Shock You |-- 01-Don_x27_t_Share_Your_Post__do_THIS_instead.mp4 - 29.48 MB |
| 08-Bonus | 06-Dos & Donts of Instagram This May Shock You |-- 02-Less_is_More_40_Stop_Creating_Long_Captions_41.mp4 - 25.95 MB |
| 08-Bonus | 06-Dos & Donts of Instagram This May Shock You |-- 03-Quality_over_Quantity_40_Stop_putting_out_bull_41.mp4 - 17.16 MB |
| 08-Bonus | 06-Dos & Donts of Instagram This May Shock You |-- 04-Stop_Using_3rd_Party_Softwares.mp4 - 37.81 MB |
| 08-Bonus | 06-Dos & Donts of Instagram This May Shock You |-- 05-Why_You_Should_Be_Going_LIVE_More.mp4 - 41.59 MB |
| 08-Bonus | 07-Digital Real Estate |-- 01-Why_You_Should_Own_An_Instagram_Theme_Page.mp4 - 36.09 MB |
| 08-Bonus | 07-Digital Real Estate |-- 02-Creating_Vs._Buying_An_Instagram_Theme_Page.mp4 - 20.86 MB |
| 08-Bonus | 07-Digital Real Estate |-- 03-Which_Pages_Will_Make_You_The_Most.mp4 - 27.03 MB |
| 08-Bonus | 07-Digital Real Estate |-- 04-Qualities_of_A_High_Potential_Page.mp4 - 32.73 MB |
| 08-Bonus | 07-Digital Real Estate |-- 05-How_Much_Should_You_Pay_For_A_Page.mp4 - 13.89 MB |
| 08-Bonus | 07-Digital Real Estate |-- 06-How_To_Purchase_Your_First_Page.mp4 - 75.5 MB |
| 00-Program Introduction |-- 01 Welcome to the Program.mp4 - 3.73 MB |
| 00-Program Introduction |-- 02-How_to_Make_The_Most_Out_Of_Your_Journey_Of_Reaching_Instagram_Success.mp4 - 28.47 MB |
| 00-Program Introduction |-- 03-Mindset_Mastery.mp4 - 50.13 MB |
| 01-Module 1 |-- 01-Lesson_1-_Understanding_what_an_Instagram_theme_page_is.mp4 - 207.91 MB |
| 01-Module 1 |-- 02-Lesson_2-_The_Roadmap_of_Your_Theme_Page___40_What_to_expect__41_.mp4 - 191.8 MB |
| 01-Module 1 |-- 03-Lesson_3-_How_to_Acquire_an_Instagram_Theme_Page.mp4 - 97.1 MB |
| 01-Module 1 |-- 04-Lesson_4-_How_to_Choose_the_Right_Niche_For_Your_Instagram_Theme_Page.mp4 - 253.42 MB |
| 01-Module 1 |-- 05-Lesson_5-_How_to_Properly_Do_Market_Research___Understand_Why_Your_Competitors_Successful.mp4 - 275.48 MB |
| 01-Module 1 |-- 06-Lesson_6-_Understanding_Instagram_Search_Engine___Why_it______s_important_for_your_theme_page_name.mp4 - 126.51 MB |
| 02-Module 2 |-- 01-Lesson_1-_How_to_choose_your_Instagram_Username.mp4 - 182.83 MB |
| 02-Module 2 |-- 02-Lesson_2-_How_to_create_the_PERFECT_branded_logo_for_your_page.mp4 - 361.09 MB |
| 02-Module 2 |-- 03-Lesson_3-_How_to_create_a_BIO_that_makes_people_want_to_follow_your_page.mp4 - 150.54 MB |
| 02-Module 2 |-- 04-Lesson_4-_How_to_create_a_content_strategy_that_almost_GUARANTEES_your_theme_page_blows_up.mp4 - 192.92 MB |
| 02-Module 2 |-- 05-Lesson_5-_How_to_write_captions_that_generate_engagement - OneHack.us.mp4 - 128.7 MB |
| 02-Module 2 |-- 06-Lesson_6-_Best_practices_for_knowing_when_to_post___how_to_properly_post.mp4 - 79.6 MB |
| 02-Module 2 |-- 07-Lesson_7-_How_to_use_Hashtags_the_CORRECT_way.mp4 - 80.75 MB |
| 02-Module 2 |-- 08-Lesson_8-_The_best_way_to_Incorporate_stories_into_your_Instagram_theme_page_growth.mp4 - 29.71 MB |
| 02-Module 2 |-- 09-Lesson_9-_Finalizing_Your_Account___Making_sure_it______s_ready_for_Hyper-Growth___40_Don______t_post_Until_this_is_COMPLETE__41_.mp4 - 26.53 MB |
| 03-Module 3 |-- 01-Lesson_1-_How_to_Decipher_Where_Your_content_should_be_coming_from___40_Competitors___Go-to_Platform__41_.mp4 - 51.35 MB |
| 03-Module 3 |-- 02-Lesson_2-_How_to_Have_Unlimited_Content___40_Add_10__Take_3__41_.mp4 - 59.67 MB |
| 03-Module 3 |-- 03-Lesson_3-_Adding_Your_Own_Custom_Branding_to_Every_Posts.mp4 - 195.12 MB |
| 03-Module 3 |-- 04-Lesson_4-_Content_Creation_System_That_Makes_Owning_Your_Instagram_Theme_Page_10x_Easier.mp4 - 92.72 MB |
| 03-Module 3 |-- 05-Lesson_5-_How_to_Find_Fresh_Content_to_Post_Everyday___40_Best_for_Media_Pages__41_.mp4 - 126.48 MB |
| 03-Module 3 |-- 06-Bonus-_100_Instagram_Story_Ideas_that_you_can_steal___Cycle_through_Every_other_day.mp4 - 14.62 MB |
| 04-Module 4 |-- 01-Lesson_1-_Understanding_the_costs_of_Automating_Your_page.mp4 - 74.5 MB |
| 04-Module 4 |-- 02-Lesson_2-_The_DO______s_and_DONT__x27_S_of_Automating_Your_Theme_Page.mp4 - 69.02 MB |
| 04-Module 4 |-- 03-Lesson_3-_When______s_the_BEST_time_to_Automate_Your_Theme_Page.mp4 - 71.84 MB |
| 04-Module 4 |-- 04-Lesson_4-_How_to_Build_SOPs_to_Give_to_Your_Team_So_they_know_EXACTLY_What_to_Do.mp4 - 72.76 MB |
| 04-Module 4 |-- 05-Lesson_5-_How_to_Hire_Your_Content_Creator___40_Never_create_another_piece_of_content__41_.mp4 - 61.22 MB |
| 04-Module 4 |-- 06-Lesson_6-_How_to_Hire_Your_Social_Media_Manager___40_that_does_the_posting__41_.mp4 - 78.43 MB |
| 05-Module 5 |-- 01-Lesson_1-_Understanding_the_Different_Ways_To_Monetizing_Your_Instagram_Theme_Page.mp4 - 112.32 MB |
| 05-Module 5 |-- 02-Lesson_2-_What_to_Expect___40_Money_Wise__41__During_Every_Step_Of_Your_Journey.mp4 - 78.63 MB |
| 05-Module 5 |-- 03-Lesson_3-_Fastest_Way_to__10_000_Per_Month_on_Instagram___40_digital_products__41_.mp4 - 181.47 MB |
| 05-Module 5 |-- 04-Lesson_4-_When_to_Start_Selling_Shoutouts_or_Promos.mp4 - 36.07 MB |
| 05-Module 5 |-- 05-Lesson_5-_How_to_Price_Your_Shoutouts__or_Promos.mp4 - 97.66 MB |
| 05-Module 5 |-- 06-Lesson_6-_How_to_Create_a_Form_That_Automatically_Collects_Payments_for_Your_Shoutouts_or_Promos.mp4 - 49.61 MB |
| 05-Module 5 |-- 07-Lesson_7-_The_Hack_To_Making_4x_More_With_Shoutouts_or_Promos.mp4 - 52.18 MB |
| 05-Module 5 |-- 08-Lesson_8-_How_to_Make_Money_with_Your_Instagram_Theme_Page_With_Affiliate_Marketing.mp4 - 201.7 MB |
| 06-Bonuses |-- 01-The_Instagram_Theme_Page_Playbook.pdf - 637.85 KB |
| 06-Bonuses |-- 02-100_Best_Instagram_Theme_Page_Niches_List.pdf - 1.96 MB |
| 06-Bonuses |-- 03-Best_50_Pages_to_Pay_for_Promo_to_Grow_FAST_.pdf - 1.04 MB |
| 06-Bonuses |-- 04-How_to_Make__10_000_in_30_Days_Owning_an_Instagram_Theme_Page_Guide.pdf - 640.59 KB |
| 06-Bonuses |-- 05-Instagram_Marketing_Secrets_Ebook.pdf - 2.76 MB |
| 07-Bonus - OneHack.us |-- 01-IG_HACK_1-_Getting_More_Story_Views.mp4 - 34.14 MB |
| 07-Bonus - OneHack.us |-- 02-IG_HACK_2-_Night_Time_Sales_Strategy.mp4 - 53.77 MB |
| 07-Bonus - OneHack.us |-- 03-IG_HACK_3-_Using_Hashtags_the___40_RIGHT__41__Way.mp4 - 38.9 MB |
| 07-Bonus - OneHack.us |-- 04-IG_HACK_4-_The_Hack_That_Got_Us_10X_More_Engagement.mp4 - 15.32 MB |
| 07-Bonus - OneHack.us |-- 05-IG_HACK_5-_Get_More_Saves_or_Shares_Doing_This_.mp4 - 18.9 MB |
|-- $10 ChatGPT for 1 Year & More.txt - 201 Bytes |